At the very moment of its creation, every company must be insured. During the operating period, many risks of varying degrees of seriousness must be taken into account. It is therefore very important for every entrepreneur to choose the right insurance.

Professional liability insurance

This type of insurance has been set up to benefit many sectors of activity such as construction, real estate and travel agencies. It is one of the priority insurances for companies and generally covers three areas. Firstly, insurance for damage caused to property belonging to the company. It insures damage caused to premises, stocks, motor vehicles and also all the materials necessary for production. On the other hand, the insurance covers the company's activity itself, which includes the risks and possible damage caused by this activity or even by the products and services provided. Finally, there is also insurance for damage caused to persons, which covers all aspects of social protection, retirement, health and business travel.

Insurance for accidents at work

As its name suggests, it covers medical expenses and repairs granted to an employee in the event of an accident occurring during the performance of his duties and work. In addition, it also finances replacement income when the victim is on sick leave or is totally unable to return to work. It is particularly required for certain sectors considered more dangerous than others. Non-subscription could thus lead to serious criminal sanctions for the company which is held liable. Furthermore, funeral expenses and pensions granted to the worker's family in the event of death are also covered by this insurance.

Multi-risk professional insurance

Professional indemnity insurance was introduced to cover most of the damage that a business could suffer. A large number of cases can be taken into account, including theft, fire and vandalism. The cost varies according to the type of business encountered and the nature of the activity carried out. The most important piece of advice for the employer to follow in order to be well informed is to get advice from an insurance company. This would allow him to be aware of the formalities and procedures to be followed to protect his company, his property, and also his employees. For their part, the latter must also do the same in order to be well aware of the repairs to which they will be entitled in the event of an accident.