Entrepreneurs, consolidated companies, projects belonging to growing sectors...etc. All of them usually resort to this type of aid to finance their respective projects. Aids and Subsidies are a type of financing without banks to which an increasing number of public and private organizations are turning to in search of liquidity. The form and requirements of this aid can be very varied, from non-refundable grants to micro-credits with special conditions. Depending on the type of subsidy we are looking for, we will approach one or another entity

How to apply for a Grant or Aid

Before we start the process of applying for a grant or subsidy, we have to make sure that it is still in force. It is a reality that in recent years and due to the global economic crisis, States have been forced to reduce the budget items dedicated to this type of concession. However, and due to the revolution in new technologies, many sectors are reinventing themselves with innovative projects and initiatives that are usually given priority with some form of aid.

ENISA: Entrepreneurship aid

Enisa, is a public institution that depends on the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and actively participates in the development of innovative and economically viable projects. It currently has a series of financing lines aimed at :

Line for Young Entrepreneurs

Its objective is to offer financing to recently established SMEs led by entrepreneurs up to the age of 40.

Line for Entrepreneurs

This line is very similar to the previous one but with no age limit. It supports recent SMEs promoted by entrepreneurs.

Line for Competitiveness

In this case, the support is aimed at already established companies with interesting projects whose mission is to improve the competitiveness of the organization.

ICT Innovation Digital Agenda Line

This source gives priority to all those projects with a high technological component and oriented towards innovation.